Chicken Dumpling Soup

Ingredients: chicken stock (water, chicken, onion, celery, carrot, garlic, spices), dumplings (flour (bleached wheat flour enriched (bleached wheat flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), malted barley contains: wheat), eggs, water, olive oil, salt, spices), carrot, onion, celery, chicken, salt, chicken fat, spices

Cup: $4.99 Bowl: $8.99 Quart: $15.39 Gallon Preorder: $45.99

Chicken Noodle

Ingredients: chicken stock (water, chicken, onion, carrot, celery, garlic, spices), onion, carrot, chicken, celery, noodles (enriched durum wheat flour (durum wheat flour, niacin, ferrous sulfate, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), enriched wheat flour (wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, ferrous sulfate, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), eggs, water, salt), onions, chicken, carrots, celery, salt, chicken fat, spices

Cup: $4.99 Bowl: $8.99 Quart: $15.39 Gallon Preorder: $45.99

Chili Dog Chili

Ingredients: tomato puree (Fresh tomatoes, salt, naturally derived citric acid), pinto beans, diced tomato (Tomatoes, tomato juice, salt, calcium chloride, naturally derived citric acid), ground beef, hot dogs (beef, water, salt, flavorings, sorbitol, sodium phosphates, sodium erythorbate, sodium nitrite, extract of paprika), onions, beer, molasses, kosher salt, The Spice House Medium Chili Powder (sweet ancho chile pepper, cumin, garlic, powdered Mexican oregano, red pepper, cayenne pepper), spices

Cup: $4.99 Bowl: $8.99 Quart: $15.39 Gallon Preorder: $45.99

Chicken & Broccoli Casserole Soup with Cheddar Cheese

Ingredients: chicken stock (water, chicken, onion, celery, carrot, garlic, spices), broccoli, half & half (milk, cream), cheddar cheese (pasteurized milk, cheese culture, salt, enzymes, color added, potato starch and powdered cellulose added to prevent caking, natamycin (a natural mold inhibitor) contains: Milk)), onion, chicken, rice (Long grain parboiled rice enriched with iron (ferric orthophosphate), niacin, thiamin mononitrate and folic acid), cornstarch, unsalted butter (pasteurized cream, natural flavorings. Contains: Milk), salt, curry Powder (spices, turmeric, celery), tabasco (distilled vinegar, red pepper, salt), spices

Cup: $4.99 Bowl: $8.99 Quart: $15.39 Gallon Preorder: $45.99

Croatian Sarma Soup

Ingredients: Chicken Stock (water, chicken, onion, celery, carrots, garlic, spices), cabbage, onion, diced tomatoes (vine ripened fresh tomatoes, tomato juice, salt, calcium chloride and naturally derived citric acid), ground beef, onion, tomato juice (Tomato juice concentrate (water, tomato concentrate from vine ripened tomatoes), salt, citric acid (naturally derived), vitamin C (ascorbic acid)), Rice (Long grain parboiled rice enriched with iron (ferric orthophosphate), niacin, thiamin mononitrate and folic acid.), brown sugar, red wine vinegar (Distilled vinegar diluted with water to 5% acid strength, wine, salt, caramel color, red 40), canola oil, salt, spices

Cup: $4.99 Bowl: $8.99 Quart: $15.39 Gallon Preorder: $45.99

Indonesian Chicken Satay Soup – SOLD OUT

Ingredients: stock (water, chicken, onion, celery, carrot, garlic, spices), green cabbage, chicken breasts, peanut butter (roasted peanuts, sugar, hydrogenated vegetable oil (cottonseed, soybean and rapeseed oil), to prevent separation, salt.), onions, carrots, coconut milk (coconut extract 27.27%, water 72.43%, stabilizer guar gum (E412), 0.20%, emulsifier polysorbate 60 (E435) 0.06%, antioxidant citric acid (E330) 0.03%, antioxidant sodium metabisulfite (E223) 0.01% Contain: sulphurdioxide, coconut), ginger, jasmine rice, sesame oil (sesame and soy oil), soy sauce (water, wheat, soybeans, salt, sodium benzoate: less than 1/10 of 1% as a preservative), garlic, Sambal Oelek (chili, salt, acetic acid, potassium sorbate and sodium bisulfate as preservatives. Xanthan Gum. CONTAINS SULPHITE (SODIUM BISULFITE)), salt, spices

Cup: $4.99 Bowl: $8.99 Quart: $15.39 Gallon Preorder: $45.99

Spicy Lentil Soup with Chorizo Sausage

Ingredients: chicken stock (water, chicken, onion, celery, carrot, garlic, spices), water, lentils, Chorizo sausage(pork, water, salt, dextrose, garlic, spices, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, sugar, sodium ascorbate, sodium nitrite), tomato juice tomato juice concentrate (water, tomato concentrate from vine-ripened tomatoes), salt, citric acid*, vitamin C (ascorbic acid*) *Naturally derived), onions, carrot, celery, red wine vinegar (distilled vinegar diluted with water to 5% acid strength, wine, salt, caramel color, red 40), garlic, olive oil, salt, fresh thyme, spices

Cup: $4.99 Bowl: $8.99 Quart: $15.39 Gallon Preorder: $45.99

Vegetarian Roasted Red Pepper Bisque

Ingredients: vegetable stock (may contain the following: onions, leeks, mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic, beets, celery, carrot, ginger, fennel bulb, herbs and/or spices), roasted red peppers, potato, heavy cream, half & half (milk, cream), onion, potato, olive oil, salt, spices

Cup: $4.99 Bowl: $8.99 Quart: $15.39 Gallon Preorder: $45.99

Vegan Cuban Black Bean Soup with Rice

Ingredients: water, black beans, onion, tomato, rice, green peppers, corn, sherry, canola oil, salt, garlic, Tabasco (vinegar, red peppers, salt), spices

Cup: $4.99 Bowl: $8.99 Quart: $15.39 Gallon Preorder: $45.99